Instagram Pics!

Kacy's Instagram

Saturday, February 28, 2009

WARNING: These pictures contain nudity!

Linden has graduated from our bathroom sink, to the big girl tub! (Well, sort of... the little girl tub within the big girl tub...)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goodbye toupées and receding hairline!!

As you can see from these "up close" shots, Linden's hair is starting to fill out quite nicely. So much for a future career as a Sinead O'Connor impersonator!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Statistical Update

I forgot to mention the most recent stats from our last Doctor's appointment.

At 9 weeks Linden was:

13 lbs 2 oz (90th percentile)
24.5 inches long (95th percentile)
And her noggin was in the 95th percentile too... although I don't remeber the size.

Other important stats:

Nasty poops (100th percentile)
Peeing when diaper is removed (100th pecentile)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day!

We were part of a wedding vow renewal Valentine's day morning... so we got to the location a bit early to enjoy the beautiful weather and stunning view! (sorry the picture is so low quality, it was taken w/ a camera phone).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our little trooper...

Linden got her first shots today... 5 of them!!! Here she is with her little bandages. It was a bit traumatic (especially for her mom), and she is a little sad today, but overall she was a super-star!