Although a month late, we are finally posting some pictures of our adventure up to Tahoe last month. We ventured up with two other families and their kids and had a great week of fun and relaxation.
It was Linden's first time in the snow... and boy was there a lot of it!
This is literally the first thing Linden did when she touched the snow.
It wasn't long before she was enjoying some sledding...
Then Dad pushed the envelope a little further with a faster model...
And pushed it too far...
Someone was not pleased.
Kacy got in on the action!
About halfway through our trip, it started to dump!!! About 5+ feet in 2 days!
What better thing to do than to venture out onto the slopes??? (a big mistake for a novice)
Better weather meant better skiing. Kacy and I got to enjoy Valentines day on the slopes!
We enjoyed a short hike along Lake Tahoe one afternoon. (I know Linden looks absurd... absurdly cute.)
Here's a picture of the group. An awesome week, with awesome people!