Every day it feels like our little baby is already growing up. I know, I'm really sounding like a Mom now, but it's true. I feel like she does something new almost everyday, and I can't believe how quickly she is changing. So... to document a few milestones, here are some FIRSTS she experienced in the last couple of weeks! We didn't capture pics of all of them, but I'll throw the ones up that I have!
First time in Oregon (obvious I know, but I'm makin' a list here people!)
First 18 Holes (that's right... she made it all 18. I was impressed.)
First Tooth (she actually got her two bottom teeth on the same day, but has not permitted a photo to be taken yet. Stay tuned for documentation of the pearly whites.)
First Swim (I'm using the word "swim" very loosely... but she was in water, in a swimsuit, so we're calling it good.)

First Highchair in a Restaurant
First Foods (Grandpa enjoyed feeding Linden, and I think her faves were apricots and avocado... and water from a glass.)
First Photo Shoot (finally got her in front of her Uncle Scott's camera for the first time. We don't have the final pics yet, but I'm sneaking one little peek in here. :) )
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