Credit to Jess and Chris again for their mad photographic skills.
Linden and Logan set for their voyage to the park.
Chris navigating the urban jungle with kids in tow...
Linden clearly getting a kick out of the slide (keep an eye on sneak attack coming from behind)
Linden has no idea what's about to hit to her...
Look out below!! (boys will be boys!)
Scoping out other activities
The swing is always a crowd pleaser...
OTHER UPDATE: Linden is officially a "walker" now... and she LOVES it. We took her with us to a couple of department stores on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon and she was thrilled that we let her walk around. She pointed at objects in the distance and yelled, "OOOOO!" while walking toward whatever it was. She also enjoyed waving at EVERYBODY and giving each of them an emphatic, "HIIII!".
When not pointing and waving... she made several attempts to exit the store. Why is the desire to escape such an innate response to freedom???