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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Guess who's walkin?

Well, walking may be a bit of an exaggeration... but Linden took her first steps today.

So for posterity's sake, I'm making a posting:

After returning home from church this morning, we set her down on her bedroom floor. She stood right up and took a couple of steps and sat down... sensing her mom and dad's excitement, she got right back up and walked 5-6 steps right into Daddy's arms!!

Great moment.

Although we didn't get it on video, I'm posting this clip from last weekend. For a few weeks now, Linden has been enjoying walking around w/ her toy walker... and last Saturday Kacy followed her around with the camera.

BOREDOM ALERT: The video is quite long (2 1/2 minutes), but if you do choose to watch until the end, you will see the story come to a riveting conclusion...


  1. LOL....we love this video!! Totally surprising ending :)

  2. Love that smile at the camera! And check out that play area...looks like everything a little walking girl could want. Nice camera work at the end, Kacy. :)

  3. Very cute. I especially like the mini Folsom Prison! And Kacy, excellent camera work. Spielberg himself wouldn't have dared to stay with his subject under such circumstances!

    -Anonymous (MKL)
